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Android App Development

Android App Development



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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Sun Jan 2025
Total lectures 7
Total quizzes 0
Total duration Hours
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Short description SUBJECT CODE : CUTM1036
  • Remembering: Learning basic concepts of Android development such as activities, intents, layouts, and views. List different Android components and their roles in app development.
  • Understanding: Explain the lifecycle of an Android application and its components. Interpret basic Java or Kotlin code snippets used in Android development. Summarize the purpose and usage of common UI elements in Android apps.
  • Applying: Utilize RecyclerView to display dynamic lists of data. Implement asynchronous programming techniques to perform background tasks. Apply material design principles to enhance the visual appeal of app interfaces.
  • Analyze network requests and responses to integrate remote data sources.Analyzing user feedback and behavior to understand how users interact with the app.
  • Create and develop an Android based Application