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CNC Programming and CNC Machining

CNC Programming and CNC Machining



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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Wed Jul 2024
Total lectures 7
Total quizzes 0
Total duration Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description CUTM1085(0-2-0)
  • Explain applications and advantages of CNC machines and technology
  • Demonstrate and explain various CNC control Calculate technological data for CNC machining
  • Understand the importance and use of PPE’s
  • Prepare and understand line program for various profiles Identify and set parameters for various simulators
  • Prepare programs , demonstrate , simulate and operate CNC lathe machines for various machining operations
  • Prepare programs , demonstrate , simulate and operate CNC milling machines for various machining operations
  • Define and explain Modern CNC systems and explain its importance in manufacturing
  • Evaluate manufacturing assignment based on critical thinking and problem solving skills. Become a good communicator and effective team member.
  • Practice writing complex “G” code programs for CNC turning centers that meet the part specification
  • Interpret and demonstrate complex “G” code programs for CNC milling centers that meet the part specification
  • Prepare “G: code programs to perform secondary operations including tapping, countersinking, counter boring, and threading
  • Describe and illustrate common problems with tooling and fixtures in CNC programming and machining