Course description

In the apparel industry the work is specified and distributed in different sections. Each section is allotted with a team to work similar type of tasks. The team members need to fulfil the individual target and the teams target also as per the quantity and quality allotted by the production department. To supervise the progress of work on an hourly basis for each of the allotted teammate and the group as whole a line stitching supervisor is needed

What will i learn?

  • Become aware of the industrial process of mass production of clothing
  • Understand the importance of researcher, designer and merchandiser in the production of ready-to-wear garments
  • Understand the need of production planning for optimum utilization of resources and be able to appreciate its relationship to cost reduction and increase of profit margin in the apparel production units
  • Be able to understand how quality and cost of production are balanced
  • Become aware of preparatory steps, production processes and post production operations of the apparel industry

Text books & references

Vinay Aurora




Skill level


Expiry period


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