Course description

In the 3D Modelling and Printing we are providing in this series of courses, students will learn about the evolution of digital fabrication with a full overview of the manufacturing industry and related technologies. Each hands-on, project-based learning (PBL) course will let students design and fabricate 3D objects using computer-aided design (CAD) software and 3D printers. They will experience the design process and become familiar with the advantages and limitations of each 3D printing technology in terms of precision, resolution, and material capabilities. Students will analyze real industry cases, and apply 3D printing technology appropriately while gaining hands-on experience with two leading 3D printing technologies employed in manufacturing today: FDM and PolyJet.

What will i learn?

  • Creation of a flexible modelling environment
  • Ability to easily modify models and implement design changes
  • Support for data sharing, and data reuse Knowledge enabled
  • Capture of design constraints and design intent as well as the final model geometry
  • Management of non-geometric as well as geometric design information
  • The 3D Part is the Master Modeler for Drawings, Assemblies and Analyses which are associative to the 3D parts.
  • Apply the unique advantages of 3D printing to their designs.
  • Compare additive manufacturing to traditional technologies and choose the best technology for a given application.
  • Distinguish between various 3D printing technologies and materials and select appropriately for a given application.

Text books & references

  • CATIA V5-6R2013 for Designers Author: Sham Tickoo
  • CATIA Manual
  • Non-conventional machining by K. Mishra, Narosa Publication
  • Non-traditional machining by Pandey and Shan, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
  • CATIA Core Tools Author: Michel Michaud
  • Machining Technology 1 by P. N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.

admin aurora




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