Course description

Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates studies the structural similarities and differences among vertebrate animals. It explores the evolutionary relationships, adaptations, and functional significance of organs and body systems across species. This field helps in understanding the progression of vertebrate evolution, anatomical modifications, and the link between structure and function in different environments.

What will i learn?

  • COs Course Outcomes Mapping COs with POs (High-3, Medium-2, Low-1)
  • CO1 Students recognize vertebrate structural principles by studying all body systems of vertebrates in an evolutionary perspective. PO1-3, PO7-1, PO9-2
  • CO2 Compare and contrast the anatomical systems of different vertebrates and identify common traits across species and groups. PO1-3, PO4-2, PO9-2
  • CO3 Compare and contrast the anatomical systems of different vertebrates and identify common traits across species and groups. PO1-3, PO2-2, PO9-2

Text books & references

Vinay Aurora




Skill level


Expiry period


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