Course description

Composite fabrication involves the process of creating materials made from two or more constituent elements with different physical or chemical properties. Commonly used in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries, this practice includes techniques like hand lay-up, vacuum bagging, resin infusion, and autoclave curing. The goal is to achieve lightweight, high-strength, and durable components by combining materials such as carbon fiber, fiberglass, or Kevlar with resin matrices. Proper curing and post-processing enhance the final product's structural integrity and performance.

What will i learn?

  • Students will get familiarized with the concept, classification and application of Composite.
  • Students will be able to do part design of composites using 3DExperience Platform
  • Students will be able to design a composite using Materials Studio.
  • The students will know how to test a composite and control quality.

Text books & references

Vinay Aurora




Skill level


Expiry period


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