Course description

The concepts of diseases involve understanding their causes, progression, symptoms, and impact on the human body. Diseases can be infectious, genetic, metabolic, or lifestyle-related, requiring specific diagnostic and treatment approaches.

Regional and General Anesthesia are techniques used to manage pain during medical procedures. Regional anesthesia numbs a specific part of the body (e.g., spinal or epidural anesthesia), while general anesthesia induces unconsciousness for major surgeries. Both techniques involve careful monitoring of vital signs to ensure patient safety and comfort.

What will i learn?

  • To learn the basics of balanced anesthesia, pre anaesthetic assessment
  • To be able to execute intraoperative management and postoperative complications & management.
  • To analyse the technique and practical concept to handle patient with critical condition.
  • To investigate intra operative management and post operative complications and their management.

Text books & references

Vinay Aurora




Skill level


Expiry period


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