Course description

Rock Mechanics is the study of the behavior, properties, and stability of rock materials under various physical and environmental conditions. It plays a crucial role in mining, civil engineering, and petroleum industries, helping design tunnels, slopes, foundations, and underground structures. By understanding stress, strain, and failure mechanisms, rock mechanics ensures safe and efficient construction and resource extraction.

What will i learn?

  • Learn the characteristics and the mechanical properties (strength and failure criteria) of rock mass, rock matrix and discontinuities
  • Learn methods for in situ investigation and laboratory testing of rock matrix and discontinuities.
  • Use rock mass classification systems (RMR, Q, GSI)
  • Conduct rock slope stability analysis.
  • Analyse the stress distribution (isotropic, anisotropic) in situ and around an opening in rock (competent rock, jointed rock mass, blocky rock)

Text books & references

Ganesh Aurora




Skill level


Expiry period


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