Course description

Introduction to Statistics and its Applications in Agriculture, Graphical Representation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion, Definition of Probability, Addition, and Multiplication Theorem (without proof). Simple Problems Based on Probability. Binomial & Poisson Distributions, Definition of Correlation, Scatter Diagram.Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation. Linear Regression Equations. Introduction to Test of Significance, One sample & two-sample test t for Means, Chi-Square Test of Independence of Attributes in 2 × 2 Contingency Table. Introduction to Analysis of Variance, Analysis of One Way Classification. Introduction to Sampling Methods, Sampling versus Complete Enumeration, Simple Random Sampling with and without replacement, Use of Random Number Tables for selection of Simple Random Sample.

What will i learn?

  • To enable the students to analyze data and draw appropriate statistical conclusions.
  • To recognize and examine the relationships between inputs and outputs in their agricultural field to make effective and profitable decisions.
  • Students will demonstrate an ability to engage in critical thinking by analyzing situations and constructing and selecting viable solutions to solve problems

Text books & references

Ganesh Aurora




Skill level


Expiry period


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